News: Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Starmen.Net?:
How is Starmen.Net paid for?:
Starmen.Net is not for profit. This means that any and all money generated for the site goes towards paying bills (webhosting, domain names), purchasing prizes (mugs, other merchandise), and miscellaneous other costs attached to running the website (shipping packages, printing large documents, etc). No individuals profit from the website in any way.
There is much more information to be found on the Donations Page.
How do I join Starmen.Net?:
Can I link to Starmen.Net?:
However, because of bandwidth issues, please do not link to any of the files on the site. If you want to use one, upload it to your own server.
How do I become a staff member?:
How can I get a Starmen.Net e-mail address?:
Also, you are offered an email address if you donate to the website. Any Starmen.Net email addresses you have will be available to you as long as the website and its email capabilities remain.
How can I get web space at Starmen.Net?:
As with the email addresses, webspace at Starmen.Net is offered to the people who donate to the site.
What did you use to write Starmen.Net's HTML?:
All staffers have to do some basic HTML to some extent.
I want to submit something. What do I do?:
DO NOT mail files to any of the staff unless otherwise specified.
I want to use some of your files. Can I?:
If you really want to use those files, then mail us at, and we'll see what we can do.
We would also appreciate it if you linked to our site if you use our files.
Why don't you distribute ROMs?:
Where can I buy the EarthBound soundtrack CDs?:
What is Mother?:
See the game sections for more information.