Ninten Dog E sprite Downfall Legend

Earthbound meets Dr. Strangelove in a satirical tale about capitalism and the collapse of civilization

sprite wizardoh

Downfall Legend
“My name is Maria Harris. I recently graduated from Wormtown Technical Institute with a major in Science Writing and minor in Journalism. When I was a freshman, I thought I would be take the school by storm and be the top student. I thought I’d be going to class, partying and studying in between, and discovering myself like a typical collage student. What I found instead was a conspiracy…”

Downfall Legend is an on again/off again passion project of mine that I’ve worked on since 2016. It follows the adventures of a protagonist fresh out of college (and later her actual adventures in college) trying to find her way in life. Her Mother, a VP at an evil energy corporation offers her a job as a birthday present, but her boyfriend has given as present tickets to a science fiction convention on the same day you are supposed to start your first day of work. What will you choose? Work or play? Or are these choices mere distractions to a larger conspiracy threatening to destroy your entire home city of Luminosa and potentially the world?

No definitive release date is currently in site. But I’ve made it a personal goal of mine to complete at minimum the opening area by July 27, 2019 to celebrate Mother 1’s anniversary. To hold myself accountable, some potential public humiliation is in order. I swear by myself to complete the following items in my checklist by July 27 or so help me god:

X = done
C = complete, needs final pass
P = puzzles added
E = enemies added
i = imported
p = partially implemented

Due By July 27
[] Hook up room mapping
© Correct mapping
[p] Center out the tiles so everything properly lines up.
[p] Views for each big room
[] Interact with basic NPC
[p] Dialogue Box
[] Dialogue Scrolls

[] Implement dialog from prototype [plus rewrites]

[] Basic encounter system
() Basic stats system and menu for player
() It’ll be the same robot encounter in the forest for all of them just for now
() The talk option is auto chosen by gold fox in the alt dimension encounters, then he assembles your saved choices into a song.

[] Collision (with the walls! collision layer)
() Basic collision
() foreground Y axis depth modification

[] Luminosa D13 B (the area outside your house)
[] GPS leading you through time wasting events including the robot encounter and mugger
() your key card is left at the entry and needs to be run back to and grabbed in order to enter your home
[] Robot encounter tutorial
() Implies the basic “battle” and adventure system are made too!
[] Pot smoking hippie encounter
[] Mugger Encounter
[] Drone Strike when timer reaches 0.
[] Block off the other side with road blocks. We don’t have time for the other districts right now.

EDIT: bringing the checklist down to the minimum. That was way too much to do in 2 weeks (duh).


sprite Azul_123

Your game is good, but like the graphics, they do not seem a bit strange, but they guide me


No worries!

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It’s pretty rare to see a game visually inspired by Mother 1, I’m impressed! Definitely going to keep an eye out for this one!

sprite wizardoh

Your game is good, but like the graphics, they do not seem a bit strange, but they guide me

Things will get very strange and Strangelovian when you play it. Trust me

It’s pretty rare to see a game visually inspired by Mother 1, I’m impressed! Definitely going to keep an eye out for this one!

Yep! Mother 1’s visual style is the main inspiration on the visuals. It’ll even control like Mother 1 on the overworld in the beginning. Oddly enough, Mother 1 is my favorite in the series.

sprite RGGames

I have to agree, it looks awesome!
Mainly, because it catches perfectly the best thing about mother 1 (wich is also my favourite) , its simplicity!