Mr. T sprite EarthBound: Rhapsody

sprite Parzival

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So some of you may remember the old Fangame thread on here a while back. That’s us! We’ve come a long way since then. Anyway, this is much different than the old days, so we decided to make a brand new thread.

Here’s our Discord link. Whether you want to watch from the shadows, participate in our (often odd) discussions, or help out on our project, we’d love to have you!

This is a free helping fan game. We don’t ask for much, and we don’t require anything. Anybody can help. It doesn’t matter how unskilled you are, there is a place for you here.


sprite Le0

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wait you’re making a fangame?

sprite Parzival

  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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  • Riddles Lord
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 2 Wins
  • Giygas 10 Theories badge

Yeppers, along with about 40 other people, (most of who lurk in the shadows)

sprite Le0

  • Fishing for Submission Contest
  • Fanart of the Week
  • artspot

Would you mind telling me a bit about it? I don’t think I’ve ever heard about this. Is it an extension off of Earthbound or is an original project based off of the game?

sprite Parzival

  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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  • Riddles Lord
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  • Giygas 10 Theories badge

It’s a fangame set in the universe of EB

sprite Demon Claus

  • Game Swag
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  • The lowercase t badge

Nice to see progress on this! I recommend putting all the images between two ! for presentation.

ex: ! imageurlgoeshere! (without the space on the first exclamation mark).

I’m liking the sprites and the title graphic!

Andrew: Hahahaha! Screw you all they’re playing Elton John!

sprite Parzival

  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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  • Riddles Lord
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  • Giygas 10 Theories badge

Hey, thanks!

sprite Delta

Nice to see this game get it’s own topic. Can’t wait to play the finished product.

sprite Ralu

Honestly, this fan game looks very promising.

sprite Parzival

  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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  • !Franklin Badge White
  • Riddles Lord
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  • Giygas 10 Theories badge

Here is a video with 20 of our songs, intended as a little taste of what we sound like.

How do I get rid of my signature?

sprite Parzival

  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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  • !Franklin Badge White
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  • Giygas 10 Theories badge

I’m very sorry, but we had to make our links invalid. Over the past few days we have been raided by several groups of people. Several of them spammed things such as pornography. We were put onto a raiding forum and were hit several times. This completely goes against everything we do here but we simply cannot let this happen again. If you want to help out, feel free to PM me! We still are looking for help, especially spriters. Again, I apologize for this, but it had to be done. It’s a shame.

How do I get rid of my signature?

sprite Corboblan

Hey what engine is this using? It’s very well made.

sprite Parzival

  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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  • !Franklin Badge White
  • Riddles Lord
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  • Giygas 10 Theories badge

Hey, we use Game Maker Studio 2. We also recently finished a battle build.

How do I get rid of my signature?

sprite Corboblan

It’s looking really good!

sprite Parzival

  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
  • MOTHER2 Riddles 2 Wins
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • Riddles Lord
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 2 Wins
  • Giygas 10 Theories badge

Thank you! Means a lot to the team!

How do I get rid of my signature?

sprite Parzival

  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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  • !Franklin Badge White
  • Riddles Lord
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 2 Wins
  • Giygas 10 Theories badge

Links have been reopened permanently.

How do I get rid of my signature?

sprite Parzival

  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
  • MOTHER2 Riddles 2 Wins
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • Riddles Lord
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 2 Wins
  • Giygas 10 Theories badge

Hey guys. We got a Twitter a while ago, so make sure to go check it out! (And follow, if you are so inclined.)

How do I get rid of my signature?

sprite PianoMan547

    Wow, this sounds pretty good!

    I take it the focus shifts among various characters like in Mother 3 and Final Fantasy 6?
    I’m going to assume that there isn’t just one main protagonist.

    Given that Brock’s mom implied him to be too old to be comforted after a nightmare, I’m going to assume he’s in his mid-teens. Like, about 15.
    Perhaps he’s also a huge fan of Monica (age 27) the star of stage and screen (mostly stage), and that’s how they first connect.
    Jonesy could be in about his mid-50s or early 60s. Also nice job presenting Brick Road as a potential villain.

    Is the “Jeff” of this story the same one from EarthBound, or is it just some random NPC who happens to be named Jeff?

    The mention of chimerae or chimera-like beings implies a Mother 3 connection.

    Got Brain Food? On sale in Dalaam, only 800 $ dollars!

    sprite Parzival

    • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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    • !Franklin Badge White
    • Riddles Lord
    • MOTHER1 Riddles 2 Wins
    • Giygas 10 Theories badge

    Oh, whoops! The documents were posted a long time ago. We’ve updated our script since then. We did a rewrite a few months back and it seems like I neglected to post the updated links. So unfortunately, things are slightly different.

    Answering your question, there will be two playable characters. And we no longer have named NPCs, as we are going for an approach closer to Earthbound than Mother 3. The game’s script has definitely improved in the past few months, though, so feel free to check it out!

    And thanks for the support!

    How do I get rid of my signature?

    sprite PianoMan547

      Interesting. So, it’s up to the player to call the NPCs whatever they like – a direct “Don’t Care” option, if you will.

      I wonder if the two playables are who I think.

      Got Brain Food? On sale in Dalaam, only 800 $ dollars!

      sprite Solidish Snake

      This sounds oddly familiar…. How far does this project date back? Might’ve seen this years ago, but what you guys got looks cool. Joining dat discord my dude.

      sprite PianoMan547

        If need be, maybe I can help to polish some of the new script. That is, if it’s still in progress.

        I think I have an idea of who the two mains are.

        Got Brain Food? On sale in Dalaam, only 800 $ dollars!

        sprite Parzival

        • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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        • !Franklin Badge White
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        • Giygas 10 Theories badge

        Yes, the game is definitely still in progress. And now to answer the questions:

        @PianoMan547 There will be a few NPCs that you can name in game, but what I meant by unnamed NPCs was that unlike Mother 3, where most NPCs had names, these are generic like Earthbound That is a cool idea, though!
        And you are completely free to join the server and help out! We’d love to have you!

        @Solidish Snake And to answer your question, the game has been in development for almost a year! It’s our anniversary on December 16. We’ve only been in actual development for about half that, though. But its inception was on that day.

        How do I get rid of my signature?

        sprite Solidish Snake

        Ah, that’s why it’s so familiar. I must have visited that older thread when it was made on my other account lol.

        sprite PianoMan547

          Well, have the names of the main characters been finalized?

          Got Brain Food? On sale in Dalaam, only 800 $ dollars!

          sprite Parzival

          • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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          • !Franklin Badge White
          • Riddles Lord
          • MOTHER1 Riddles 2 Wins
          • Giygas 10 Theories badge

          Just thought I’d give you guys a little update in terms of characters. We want to minimize overall updates because we want you guys to experience everything fresh when you first play the game, but as this one is relatively spoiler-free, we thought we’d share with you our main characters and their profiles.

          Age: 13

          Favorite Movie Genre: Action

          Favorite Food: Chicken Parmesan

          Least favorite food: Anything spicy

          Favorite Color: Black

          Hometown: Tanzana City

          Weapon: Baseball bat

          Favorite Animal: Rhesus monkey

          Special Skills: Empathy

          One of those kids that just has it all together…or does he? He used to receive plenty of attention from his family, but ever since his baby sister was born he has been getting less and less. Though he loves his sister with all his heart, he wishes his family would pay attention to him once in a while. As a result of this, he often tries to fit in more than he should to get attention elsewhere. He has a strong determination to be “the best” at everything he does, especially baseball. Though he is fraught with mental problems, likely due somewhat to his psychic acumen, he has a strong moral backbone and when others need him, he will step up to the plate.

          Age: 15

          Favorite Movie Genre: Rom-Com

          Favorite Food: Eggs Benedict

          Least Favorite Food: Anything with meat in it

          Favorite Color: Blue

          Hometown: Montemorte

          Weapon: Hairbrush

          Favorite Animal: Panda

          Special skills: Telekinesis

          Sassy preteen actress who is not afraid to steamroll you to get her way. She is the daughter of a successful businessman but doesn’t really care for her old-fashioned father and his strict ways very much. She is admittedly a bit lazy, and thinks that her own natural ability will get her everything she wants. She is also a bit overly obsessed with her physical appearance. She doesn’t take things as seriously as she should. Her bossiness and sassiness often cause people to label her as a “queen bee,” and they are exactly right. Though she is at the top of the social chain, her personality causes her to be lonely. Despite her laziness, she has a surprising fire inside of her. And don’t forget about her potent psychic power either!

          Age: 28

          Favorite Movie Genre: Mystery

          Favorite Food: Pad Thai

          Least favorite food: Anything with vegetables in it

          Favorite Color: White

          Hometown: Somewhere overseas

          Weapon: Shovel

          Favorite Animal: Cockatoo

          Special Skills: Can make a mean omelet

          While at first people may be off put by his quirkiness, if you take the time to know him you’ll find that he has the kindest soul around. He is a bit deluded in the head, but his constant enthusiasm more than makes up for it. He’s an archaeologist by trade, but decidedly not very good at it. He rushes into things without planning for the consequences. He loves routine and detests change. Though he may have a soft head, he has an even softer heart.

          Age: 12

          Favorite Movie Genre: Horror

          Favorite Food: Crab Cakes

          Least favorite food: Anything cold

          Favorite Color: Green

          Hometown: Bristlecone

          Weapon: Wrenches

          Favorite Animal: Manatee

          Special Skills: ESP

          Quiet and extremely shy, Miles is the perfect example of “going with the flow.” Though his foster parents admonish him to go make some friends, Miles prefers sitting in his room making model planes or practicing his saxophone. Nothing really bothers him that much. He really wants to be an astronaut someday, often daydreaming about his adventures in space. He doesn’t know it yet, but he also has a latent psychic power buried deep within. However, it takes him a while to learn how to use it effectively.

          How do I get rid of my signature?

          sprite PianoMan547

            Ah, thanks for that! And thanks for inviting me to Discord!

            Since I’ve never used Discord up until this point, I’m of course going to be a little lost. Hopefully I’ll find my way around it.

            Got Brain Food? On sale in Dalaam, only 800 $ dollars!

            sprite Parzival

            • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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            • !Franklin Badge White
            • Riddles Lord
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            • Giygas 10 Theories badge

            Hey, I just wanted to let you guys know that our brand new blog officially goes live on Saturday! Make sure to check it out! And, of course, we’ll be posting the link here.

            Oh, and don’t forget to follow our Twitter, either. @EBRhapsody. We’ll post on there much more often than on the blog, so make sure to give us a look!

            Oh, and here’s our updated thumbnail logo.

            How do I get rid of my signature?

            • Undercover Funfest - 1st
            • Chaotic Fluke Distortion
            • Giygas 10 Theories badge
            • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
            • Video Game Music of the Month Participant
            • Video Game Music Winner - 1

            Looks good!

            I can plug my stuff down here, right?
            I’m gonna plug my stuff

            sprite Parzival

            • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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            • !Franklin Badge White
            • Riddles Lord
            • MOTHER1 Riddles 2 Wins
            • Giygas 10 Theories badge

            Well, it’s finally up! We had some last minute technical difficulties, (aren’t those just the worst!), but we were able to pull through and finish it for you guys. It may not look like much now, but rest assured we will be adding content to it as time goes on. For now we only have the first blog post.

            Anyway, here’s the link.


            As time goes on, we’ll improve the blog, and get our own domain. But this is just for starters.

            Also, just a warning, there might be some issues with mobile. We’re trying to work through those. But they shouldn’t happen very often.



            How do I get rid of my signature?

            sprite Parzival

            • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
            • MOTHER2 Riddles 2 Wins
            • !Franklin Badge White
            • Riddles Lord
            • MOTHER1 Riddles 2 Wins
            • Giygas 10 Theories badge


            Hello everyone! It’s the first Saturday in April, and you know what that means! It’s time for another blog post! This one centers around the rolling HP meter!

            As always, thanks for supporting the team and the game! See you in June!

            How do I get rid of my signature?

            sprite Joey14584

            Here’s a brand new blog post detailing creation of the game’s music by GhostOfAStarman!


            As always, thanks for supporting the game.

            sprite Parzival

            • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
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            • !Franklin Badge White
            • Riddles Lord
            • MOTHER1 Riddles 2 Wins
            • Giygas 10 Theories badge

            Hello everyone! Just checking in to let you know that the game is still very much alive! In fact, we’ve had several blog posts since then! This one focuses on a brand new mechanic known as the Rage Gauge!


            How do I get rid of my signature?

            • Undercover Funfest - 1st
            • Chaotic Fluke Distortion
            • Giygas 10 Theories badge
            • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
            • Video Game Music of the Month Participant
            • Video Game Music Winner - 1

            I love this! Though my participation is less than full-time, I really appreciate the active community on the EarthBound Rhapsody Discord that I feel like I can always participate in.

            I can plug my stuff down here, right?
            I’m gonna plug my stuff

            My lawyer has advised me not to publicly disclose my relationship with fish and women

            • Giygas 10 Theories badge
            • Monthly Writing Prompt
            • fanvatar4
            • Weezerfest Memory
            • Monthly Art Prompt Participant
            • Monthly Music Prompts Tier 1

            Do you need a composer?

            Go to the Starmen Wiki and write a page right now.

            sprite Demon Claus

            • Game Swag
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            • ZAWA RRPS Winner
            • M25FF Participation Award
            • Badge Maker!
            • BFFF 3rd
            • ghost frog
            • Theoryfest Helper
            • !Franklin Badge White
            • The lowercase t badge

            I haven’t kept up with this project in a while but it’s really coming together! Nice job you guys! There’s some cool stuff at work here!

            Andrew: Hahahaha! Screw you all they’re playing Elton John!

            sprite BoundedMarx321

              Looks really clean, excited to see it progress.
              Also, might just be me, but Cookie Dough is definitely the best window flavor (albeit a bit unsanitary).

              sprite GrandDad23

              • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper

              Oooh progress

              • Undercover Funfest - 1st
              • Chaotic Fluke Distortion
              • Giygas 10 Theories badge
              • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
              • Video Game Music of the Month Participant
              • Video Game Music Winner - 1

              @Blueblueblueblueblue: this is a community fangame, which means anyone who wants to help is welcome to apply! I’m music supervisor which means I basically do QA and feedback for all the composers of the game. Parzival makes the final call on if he wants you on the team, but I relish the opportunity to work with new composers!

              I can plug my stuff down here, right?
              I’m gonna plug my stuff

              My lawyer has advised me not to publicly disclose my relationship with fish and women

              • Giygas 10 Theories badge
              • Monthly Writing Prompt
              • fanvatar4
              • Weezerfest Memory
              • Monthly Art Prompt Participant
              • Monthly Music Prompts Tier 1

              Great! I’ll talk to Parzival as soon as possible.

              Go to the Starmen Wiki and write a page right now.